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I shoot photos and videos of mostly outdoor and lifestyle. I love to fish so the main focus of that of fishing. I run a website called Saltyshores.com and use it to share my adventures through life. Hope you enjoy my blog.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

12.30.2008 Gulf Gag Grouper digging

After the Miami Sword fish trip I was wasted. But I had a chance to get out with Jayzilla, Capt.Sunburn and Capt. Pants on a calm day, so I couldn't say no. I awake at 3:30am to make the drive from my house to Jay's house where everyone would rendezvous. 5am I'm pulling up to the drive way and and these guys were up and ready to go. I know I hate people late for fishing I can tell these guys were my kind of fishermen.

We got on the road in no time heading to the ramp. After a short stop for ice we headed to get gas. At the gas station we had some 6am entertainment. A couple was arguing and the guy kept saying "Rippin Snap" Several time. We took our guess but none of us, being as hip as we are, had no idea what it meant what so ever. It was however catchy enough to be crowned the phrase of the day. "Rippin Snap" so it shall be.

We bumped into ManOWar, Aquaholic and crew at the ramp. They were on their way out grouper digging as well. They couldn't have picked a more weather friendly day. It was 5mph and seas of 1-2', the only thing that was of any concern was the thick fog looming.

We use the sabiki to load up with bait and soon we were off to the 1st "rippin snap" spot. The bite was almost instantaneous and I have to admit Jay put a whippin on us for a while pulling in fish after fish. By the time we left he had almost his grouper limit. The bite slowed and we made the move to a more fertile area of larger grouper. Sunburn started to yank them in and I got a couple but Pants was struggling.

By 1:15pm were we all had our limit of gags and Jay decided to do some exploring. We started to target Amber jacks and Snapper. The snapper wasn't home but the AJ and the grouper turned on and were ravenous. Everything dropped was getting eaten for almost 2 hours and were weren't even on the "spot" for many of the fish.

We started to use butterfly jigs to catch them for fun. The fun continue and we must have let 20 more keeper grouper go. The bigger AJ's started to turn and we were just plumb worn out. The bite was still on but we were afraid to drop another bait/jig in fear of having to fight yet another fish.

Everyone agreed to call it a heck of a day and we packed it in about 4pm to make the run back before the fog got too bad. After heading back to Jay's house it was closer to 8pm. We got our cooler full of fish and I headed home exhausted yet again.

It's crazy how this fishing thing beats you up and wear you down but yet the next day you want to do it all over again. Today I'm resting and writing this report and already thinking about the next trip! Thanks guys, it was one heck of day for fishing .... Dam it hurt so "Rippin snap" good!



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