About Me

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I shoot photos and videos of mostly outdoor and lifestyle. I love to fish so the main focus of that of fishing. I run a website called Saltyshores.com and use it to share my adventures through life. Hope you enjoy my blog.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Kodak Playsport Underwater Footage from the Keys


by Sam Root of http://www.saltyshores.com

All the clips in this video was shot on the Kodak Playsport back in August. Right after this my camera gear kinda walked away so I didn't really pay much attention to the video footage I got that weekend. I finally got around to looking at some of it today and it was actually pretty nice. I got some nice Tuna underwater shots down at the Marathon hump. This was work related just hanging out with some friends down there. Benny, Jeff, Chris Walters, Chris Lewis and Paul F.

With some good lighting that $150 camera did great.

Monday, June 14, 2010

My Thailand Travels: return flight eating bugs

June 13th 2010

Friday I began the long journey back home from half way around the world. The last day in the Thailand was filled with running around getting a list of things friends and family asked for. We visited a market next to a river. I would expect the river to be totally lifeless considering how poor most of the people are here it would be fished out. On the contrary however. The fish was abundant and came up to eat out of your hands. The locals tells that it was because the market is next to temple so it is forbidden to harm wild life there. The fish apparently knows this because they were all over the place.

After dinner we were packed and ready to head to the airport. We were to fly out via Korean Airlines at about 11pm. Not knowing how the traffic was going to be we left early and got there at 9pm. We had an hour flight delay so flight out of Bangkok to South Korea was now midnight. We pass the time buying some wi-fi time, and cruise the internet which I have not done for for a bit. Apparently the US is the only airports providing free wi-fi for your laptop.

Five hours in the air we landed in South Korea for another 3 hour layover. I took this opportunity to get some much needed sleep. My brother law tells me I was snoring but I didn't care. The 30minute nap I got was well worth it. This was to be the epic flight back to New York and for whatever reason I just can not sleep well while flying. I say epic because the flight leaves 11am S. Korea time, with the time zone changes and half way around the world we were not to land on US soil until 11am (yes 24 hours later) the next day! I think it came out to like 14 hours in the hair but that is a loooooooooong time to be anywhere much less a single economy class chair in a crowded airplane.

The flight was an eternity. If it wasn't for the built in entertainment system I do not know what I would have done to keep myself busy. I must have watched 10 movies during the flight. My favorite was "How to train a dragon". Next time I do this I will have to bring my ipad, ipod as they do have a usb charger as well. There were music, new releases, classic as well as foreign movies, board games, arcade games.

After landing in NY we had to go through customs. By the way, US customs does not like you to use you cameras in that area. I was told immediately to stop and delete what I had recorded. I complied quickly. I do not think it had anything to do with my video taking but I was sent to be interview more and not just walked through after checking papers like my brother and law. They asked me all kinds of questions but at the end all was good minus a small delay. I call tell looking around that room though, that some was being sent back or interrogated more and did not look very happy.

We are now on US grounds. No sleep and looking at a Wendy's we at our lunch. I have been eating Thai or Korean food for the past 11 days and was ready to get some good American food in my stomach. It was the best hamburger I've had in a long time. We will need the energy for yet another 5 hours of layover before heading to Orlando as our final destination.

The New York airport was crowded old and dirty compare to the new Thai and Korean airport. I wasn't very comfortable but was I was glad to be one step closer to home. I killed time charging all my gear(out of the country 220v was the power) and making phone calls and following up on emails and voice mails. I did not utilize my Verizon phone in "roaming mode" while I was away. It would've cost some crazy amount plus I really did not want to be attached to a phone the entire time I was in Thailand.

After almost another 1 hour delay we were off finally. 9pm we landed in Orlando and was greeted by my brother in law's family. I'm not home just just yet. We drove to Lake Whales to drop him off then I had to make the 1.5 hour drive back to Tampa. This is cake to what I normally drive but if you count how long I have been up, I have been with out sleep for almost 48 hours now. I had to fill up on gas and down some energy drink.

The drive home(alone finally) gave me time to reflect on the trip and the long journey half way around the world. Though it was not meant to be, this trip will definitely be a life changer for me. I am fortunate enough to see the other side many never get a chance to. If you care to listen, I will share my perspective as this blog goes on. We are fortunate here, we are compare to most of the world.

I arrive in my driveway right before midnight. I should be dead tired and falling over from lack of sleep but I was not. Now to get over the jet lag.......

Eating Bugs:

While I was there I avoided most of the tourist hot spots. I leaned towards more of the local flavors. I didn't want to eat at fancy restaurants I wanted street foods. I wanted eat things I could not eat back in the states. The exotic fresh fruits and strange types of meets and insects that they eat there.

I must have sampled 10 different type of insects while I was there. From Dung Beatles, silk worms, flying ants, rice roaches, crickets, inch worms, I even tried the eggs horse shoe crabs. Most of the bugs didn't have much taste at all after it got fried. My favorites were the flying ants. The local names is "mang mun" this translates to "oil insect". The bug has oil bladder, which has an excellent taste as the gland explodes in your mouth.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Tri Shear cutter, the ultimate cutting tool for fisherman.

Tri Shear line cutting tool video review. This is my first video review of a product,  as  just writing about it will not do it justice.

Tri Shear
I came across the Tri Shear by Innovative Fishing Tackle at the 2009 ICAST in Orlando Florida this past July.  I was pretty impressed. The tool is light weight aluminum that will cut just about any line you could possible used on a fishing boat. It cuts mono obviously but it cuts mono up to 600lbs. It cuts braid all the way up to 200lb test. The most impressive is seeing it cut steel leaders all the way up to 600lb test, single or multi strand. It never gets dull so the next cut after cutting steel can be 10lb braid.
If it does get dull the company said they would replace it. For about $80 bucks, it comes with a lanyard and a holster plus a lifetime warranty. Not a bad deal.
I couldn’t get  a hold of one and I’ve been looking for them in the stores ever since. Well, I started to see them in stores lately and got a hold of one. I sat in the garage and started to look for things to cut up. I got a hold of steel shark leaders, dacron, small diameter braided line. I have to say it did it’s job nicely. This tool will be staying with me almost every time I get on the water.
Locally I have seen the tool at Tampa Fishing Outfitters in Tampa  and Captain Ted’s Tackle in Charlotte County.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Everglades Alligator Photos

Feb 19th 2010
I had a few minutes this morning to go through some photos from the last couple of weeks.
From the everglades mother ship trip to the Miami Boat show.
Coming up today or tomorrow a couple of lure review by my friend Rich Osgood. I got him a prototype Sebile magic swimmer. He really digs it.
I was about 10feet away from this everglades alligator. The photos was a little out of focus I was it was low light and I was shooting in f2.8 but I thought it was a cool blurry action shot.

Miami Sky Line


Jungle Jooooooooooooose! no it was not mine. yes I tasted it.. thumbs down.

Poor man’s way of How to shoot in the rain.

Rough Day boating and fishing that day with Sebile.

Tailers with Captain Joe Harley

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wang Anchor Photos shoot and the new Mirro Lur Scented baits. Lil John and the Provoker!

Most of the day was spent working on a video project that wasn’t the most exciting thing in the world. It was a website corporate video about repairing potholes.  Yes, not exactly jumping tarpon on fly exciting but it pays the bills so can’t complain. :)

I got a few request for images from the magazines so I had to search in my archives as most of the photos were sent off almost a year a go.  Perhaps things are looking up for the magazines finally. I know I have been pretty busy with request for video and photography lately. Who knows this could be the year the economy stabilize. I know many guides that are hurting pretty bad right now due to the slow down. The recent fish kill did not fair well for the fishing industry either.

In the afternoon I had a studio shoot with Tom of Wanganchor.com lined up. We were to shoot some product shots for his new website. This time we got Jackie a local model to make Tom’s product even cooler than it is. After all, his motto for the product is “Hang out with your wang out”.  The shoot went very well and Tom was very pleased with the results. We even shot some cool video clips with Jackie saying the motto. I will be editing that footage here in the next few days.

Mirrolure is Tampa Base lure company.  Their product has been proven time and time again as one of the most popular fish catching lure in our local waters. My personal favorite of theirs is the ever popular mirrodine. They had just came out with some scent soft plastics called lil Jon and provoker. I was talking to Mike, one of the guys over at Mirrolure he will be sending me some to test out, review and use here in the  next couple days.

They are also sending products for us to give away for the saltyshores newletters readers. They will be sending Soft and hard plastics to give away to our readers. So if  you  have not join please do so by clicking on the menu link above.

Monday, February 1, 2010

World Record Snooks, Found dead near the Manatee River after the freeze of Jan 2010

World Record Snook perhaps. This Five feet Monster snook was found dead on the banks of the Manatee River after the freeze.

February 1st, 2010
Author: Sam Root of Saltyshores.com

Perhaps a World Record snook for sure.

When I first looked at it, I thought it was a big drum of some sort but a closer look reveal it is definitely a snook.

This Giant snook measured 60″ long. Yes that is a real 5 feet long snook not just a fish story. This leviathan was found dead on the side of the Manatee river after an unprecedented freeze that took the lives of millions of fish.


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