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I shoot photos and videos of mostly outdoor and lifestyle. I love to fish so the main focus of that of fishing. I run a website called Saltyshores.com and use it to share my adventures through life. Hope you enjoy my blog.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Finally got on some tailing redfish action with Jim Lemke and Brian

Finally got on some tailing redfish action with Jim Lemke and Brian

Today I didn’t do anthing crazy like waking up at 2am ala yesterday. I did however got up before the alarm went off as I was so tired yesterday from that long day, I went to bed a bit early. I met up with my friend Jim Lemke at the ramp to do some tailing redfish photos and hope to catch them on fly. We picked up another friend Brian a few minutes later and we on our way to the fishing grounds.
Once the tide got low enough tails started to pop up all over the place.  Jim poled us  around the area and I started clicking away trying to get the perfect shot. The water was slick and they were beautiful tails popping up. Only one prolem…. it was so still they were crazy spooky.  Every small movement moved the fish further and further as they could feel the pressure from the boat. I shot away and got some good photos before finally stopped tailing about 1.5 hours. Of course by the time I wanted to fish instead of taking photos they were all but gone.. go figure.. can’t fish and take good photos.. always a dilemma!
Brian did got out and waded to a few fish on his own. He was rewarded with a nice 29″ redfish so all was not lost.


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