About Me

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I shoot photos and videos of mostly outdoor and lifestyle. I love to fish so the main focus of that of fishing. I run a website called Saltyshores.com and use it to share my adventures through life. Hope you enjoy my blog.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Saltyshores Christmast Update

by Sam Root of Saltyshores.com

I am moving data from the old lap top the new laptop. I old laptop was just slow and overloaded these days. Since I’m moving more toward the video side of the media I needed a laptop that can handle video editing. I got a good deal on an HP with 8 gigs of ram and 1 TB of storage. This will allow me to work much better on the road and deliver media much fast to Saltyshores as well as at least give you guys some teaser video clips.

Speaking of video Clips, if you noticed at the top I have added a couple tabs. One is the email list tab that I’ve been talking about for the past month but the other is a “LIVE” video tab. Yes live! This will hopefully work it self out to be some cool live videos of on location stuff. It could be something as simple as a boat show cam, or something really cool like having it with when I’m in Boca Grand pass Tarpon fishing or on tailing red fish with fly.. who knows. I’m just working out the logistics and the feasibility of it all. I gotta say, so far it looks pretty darn do able. I will be posting date and time of each broadcast once it’s all figured out. I will have a test run here in about week so keep and eye out for the Saltyshores live fishing cam. Woo hoo!

One thing you might noticed as well is the new Saltyshores will now have a “similar post” feature. If you are reading something that’s not on the home page it shows other post that has similar tags and titles. For example if you are reading something about fly fishing, there will be little text links at the bottom suggesting other post you might be interested it. Cool eh?


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