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I shoot photos and videos of mostly outdoor and lifestyle. I love to fish so the main focus of that of fishing. I run a website called Saltyshores.com and use it to share my adventures through life. Hope you enjoy my blog.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Verizon MI-FI with Ipodtouch equals better than Iphone with AT&T

Verizon this year came out with a portable wi-fi hot spot called the MI-FI 2200.

It's a box about 2/3rd the size of a ipod touch(thinner, and shorter).
This little unit allows  you to connect up to 5 wi-fi devices to it. Yes, that means you can use  your laptop, your ipod touch, or even your iphone in wi-fi mode. Heck bring it to a meeting and have everyone's laptop/devices hooked up to it.

I have been using this unit for about 2 months now and is very impressed.  The charge last up to 4 hours. I can carry it with me on the boat, use in the car, airports, hotels where all the free wi-fi usually sucks anyways.

I have been using my ipod touch to use all the iphone apps ...then connect to the internet with the MI-FI. I mean I even had AT&T people with iphone (in wi-fi mode) test the MI-FI speed and all of them tells me it's much faster than their AT&T 3G connection. Quite embarrassing for AT&T .. but I had to know.. Smiley

It works flawlessly and I've been from Louisiana to Key West with it. My drive from Tampa to the Keys which takes about 7 hours I've only lost the connection 2-3 times through out the drive.

The service is like any other phone service, you will have a contract of some sort. If you need wi-fi access though, this is the best most versatile way to go. I really can not find any draw back besides the fact that you can become even MORE of PDA addicted because you now have wi-fi almost anywhere.!


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