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I shoot photos and videos of mostly outdoor and lifestyle. I love to fish so the main focus of that of fishing. I run a website called Saltyshores.com and use it to share my adventures through life. Hope you enjoy my blog.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Scott S4S Fly Rod and Hellsbay Skate

Scott s4s fly rod, Capt. Colby Haine, Hellsbay Skate

Scott s4s fly rod
Scott s4s fly rod

I got up this morning at 4:50am …why? I couldn’t tell you as I type this.  The only sound is my keyboard clicking away and the whirl of the fan in my computer. I got my cup of instant coffee in front of me on my cluttered up desk littered with business cards, demo reels, video tapes that needs to be digitized and a pile of unopened mail. Not to mention all the coffee stain rings on top of scraps of papers, old outdated magazines with numbers and notes written down of I don’t know what anymore. As I type this I noticed I had my coffee cup sitting on top of an check I got from one of the magazines yesterday along with a Christmas card. I just moved it so I wouldn’t spill coffee on it and have to ask for a new one. 
I’m wearing an old micro fiber shirts with no logo on it. I have not shaved in a week so feeling and looking kind of rough. Horrible sitting position as I’m slid down and leaning back in my almost new, imitation leather office chair I got from Costco or Office depot a couple months ago. The old muscle aches a bit so I’m contemplating downing an Aleve and chasing it down with some good old instant coffee. When I was younger I could not understand all the Aspirin commercials I see on TV.  As a kid, you just don’t feel these little annoying aches and pain that pretty much accompany you most mornings.
hells bay skate
hells bay skate

In about 3 hours from now I’m meeting Colby and Tyler from Castaway Customs to do a little fishing.  We get to play with some new toys this morning. Colby has the new Scott s4s fly rod which is Scott fly rod’s flagship salt water rod. Tyler is towing behind him the new Hells bay Skate.

The weather is not the greatest but that means it’s a good day to test things. Testing products in ideal conditions always yield the best results. What most people want to know is when it’s not so idea how does the product handle. Well within reason anyways. I mean you wouldn’t want to test a skiff offshore or fight a marlin with a  spinning rod if you know what I mean.

I’m off to make me another cup of delicious cup of Nescafe instant coffee. In a perfect world and if all goes well I should have some nice pics and hopefully a tailing redfish next to these guys. :)


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